RAPBot is our intelligent RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solution that is a catalyst for digital transformation. Deploy RAPBot for automating high-volume, rule-based and data-intensive processes to boost operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. With RAPBot, automate workflows providing unlimited scalability and minimal manual intervention. Using RAPBot and RAPFlow for your enterprise harnesses powerful disruptive technology that will keep you ahead of the game.
High-volume, rule-based, data-intensive processes are the golden area for RAPBot
Accounts Payables, Accounts Receivables, logging into applications, support tickets, payroll, generating reports and much more. Automate processes in mere minutes. Eliminate the tedium and errors that typically plague them, and reap rapid ROI.
Automate in days with our methodical, process-based approach that is low code, quick win focused and rapid deployment. Target 50%+ ROI within months.
Identify processes that can provide the highest ROI. Once identified, study the process. Then re-design the process with clearly defined actions and failure points.
Create scripts and identify configurable elements to handle multiple scenarios. Set-up courses of action for failure points and recovery modes. Consider whether the bot will be independent or collaborative.
Deploy on any platform either Windows, Linux or Mac. Deploy for both unattended and attended bots. Deploy to run as trigger-based or schedule-based.
Continuous monitoring allows you to keep track of how the bot is performing. Based on failures or errors, or new scenarios, you can modify the bot to handle these better.
RAPBot is an industry-leading RPA tool that makes it extremely easy to automate just about anything.
Discover opportunities for end-to-end workflow automation with RAPBot